WHEN IT COMES to electric cars, there’s Tesla and everybody else. For car buyers who are fed up with Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s braying public persona, practically anybody would do.
Howzabout Kia? During the week a 2024 Kia EV9 was parked in front of my house, I noticed a brisk increase in the numbers of neighbors driving by slowly, panting. With three full rows of seating, the EV9 is only the second electric vehicle, after the Rivian, to embrace the design orthodoxy of a full-size American 4×4: big and tall, flat-faced and hitched-up, a strong horizontal beltline, clamshell-style roof and boxy hatch. As a bonus, no one in Hyundai Group’s leadership has clumsily interjected themselves into an international crisis.
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