Updated Dec. 6, 2023 5:14 pm ET
The latest Market Talks covering the Auto and Transport sector. Published exclusively on Dow Jones Newswires at 4:20 ET, 12:20 ET and 16:50 ET.
1252 ET – North American freight-railroad traffic rises 4.6% for the week ended Saturday amid signs of building industry momentum. Carloads rise 2.3% on 12 reporting US, Canadian and Mexican railroads, while the volume of intermodal units jumps 4.6%, data from the Association of American Railroads shows. Analysts at Evercore ISI say that although comps are still easy, several weeks of positive year-over-year momentum lends credibility to the more reliable service metrics of the last few months and could be setting the rails group up well if the economy doesn’t falter in early 2024. North American rail traffic is down 2.8% for the first 48 weeks of the year, AAR says. (colin.kellaher@wsj.com)
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